DeedsWEB | Help Contents

Help Contents


From here all help topics are accessible. To search for a particular section in the help documents, use the "Search this site for" function in the table of contents frame on the left side of the screen.

Select one of the following help topics:

    General Overview



    Browser Freeze Issue


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General Overview

Help access

There are three ways for accessing help. First, you can press the F1 (help) key from your browser. Secondly, you can access the relevant help page for the current displayed data page by clicking on the icon. Thirdly, if you need to access the main help index, click on the  in the shortcut button bar. The main help index gives you access to all the help topics and sections.

The Help file is assembled into one large file for easy printing, fast access after the first initial load and easy continuous reading.


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Minimum requirements

The system was designed around the most commonly used and available browser in mind, Microsoft's Internet Explorer™, Thus, in order to view the inquiry results in the best possible way, it is recommended that the user should use Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher. The minimum requirements are:

Viewing the data with older Internet Explorer versions or Netscape browser versions might produce unpredictable side effects in the visual appearance of the application. Also, Netscape browsers do not support the automatic scrolling implemented for the Internet Explorer browser types. However, frame capable and non-frame capable browsers are both supported.

To obtain your free copy of the latest Internet Explorer version, click on the picture below.

Download Internet Explorer


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Site search

In order to search for content on this site, enter a word or phrase in the search entry box and click on the  button. The search is case insensitive and include all the visual text contents of all the web pages on this site.

The search result, (if anything was found), consists of a link to the page identified by the title of the page and the occurrences in context of the search criteria requested. Click on the link to go to the page directly which contains the search criteria.


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Options can be set by selecting the check boxes and clicking on the   button. Note that the options will only take effect on the next page accessed, since it needs to be interpreted first during page generation.

The following options are available for selection:


Enable automatic scrolling
Deselect this option to disable the automatic scrolling of the page when the mouse cursor reaches the edge of the page. The default option is to enable automatic scrolling for easy viewing of large documents.


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Table results

All results returned from an enquiry are displayed as tables. Each table consists of column headers and data rows.


Header 1 Header 2 Header 3 Link
Row 1, col 1 Row 1, col 2 Row 1, col 3 Link 1
Row 2, col 1 Row 2, col 2 Row 2, col 3 Link 2
... ... ... ...

In the example above, the column headers consists of Header 1, Header 2, Header 3 and Link. Column headers explain the contents of the data elements contained in the data rows.

The data rows contain the retrieved record(s) information. Data elements that are underlined, for example Link 1, represents a link to more information or an action (update, delete, etc.) regarding the specific row in which the link is displayed. This mechanism is used to allow the user to select the appropriate row's link to do more enquiries on that record.


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Person enquiry

Property information can be accessed via a person when doing a person enquiry. To successfully identify a particular person, you need either the person's surname, names or initials, or the ID number. The initials can be entered for example as "HW", "H W", "H,W" or "H, W". Names can be entered partially, for example "HAN JAC" for "HANNES JACOBUS". Note that you can enter either initials or names and that names take predecence over initials when both are entered. Composite surnames for example "VAN DER MERWE" must be entered as "VAN DER MERWE", and NOT like previous applications as "MERWE VAN DER". The ID number must be a full 13-digit number if used alone, else it can be entered partially if used in conjunction with the surname. Also select the appropriate deeds registry (registrar office).

After submitting the search criteria for the person, the user is presented with a list of one or more person's satisfying the search criteria. Select the details link to retrieve a report which contains all the contracts, properties and their detail for the selected person.

To create a printable format of the reports or tables created during the enquiry, select the "Print this report" option at the end of the screen or the icon at the top.


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Company enquiry

Property information can be accessed via a company when doing a company enquiry. To successfully identify a particular company, you need at least the company's full name and optionally the registration number. Company names can be entered partially in order to ease the search, for example, "ACME" will retrieve "ACME & SONS", "ACME DELIVERIES", etc. Also select the appropriate deeds registry (registrar office).

After submitting the search criteria for the company, the user is presented with a list of one or more companies satisfying the search criteria. Select the details link to retrieve a report which contains all the contracts, properties and their detail for the selected company.

To create a printable format of the reports or tables created during the enquiry, select the "Print this report" option at the end of the screen or the icon at the top.


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Other name enquiry

Property information can be accessed via a trust when doing a trust enquiry. To successfully identify a particular trust, you need a trust's full name. Trust names can be entered partially in order to ease the search, for example, "DE WET" will retrieve "DE WET FAMILY TRUST", "DE WET & SONS TRUST", etc. Also select the appropriate deeds registry (registrar office).

After submitting the search criteria for the trust, the user is presented with a list of one or more trusts satisfying the search criteria. Select the details link to retrieve a report which contains all the contracts, properties and their detail for the selected trust.

To create a printable format of the reports or tables created during the enquiry, select the "Print this report" option at the end of the screen or the icon at the top.


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Property enquiry

The property enquiry is divided into sub categories by the property type entry field. By selecting a different property type, different entry fields are presented, which leads to different intermediate steps and results. However, the final property displayed results are the same for all property types.

Throughout the different property type enquiry processes, the goal is the same for all, that is to resolve 3 unknown entry fields which will retrieve a single specific property's detail. When only 1 or 2 of the unknown entry fields are entered, the user will be presented with a list to select the next unknown entry field from. The 3 unknown entry fields differ from one property type to the next. Following is a table indicating the property type and the 3 unknown fields associated with it:

Property type Field 1 Field 2 Field 3
ERF *Township name *Erf number Portion number
TOWNSHIP *Township name (To be resolved) (To be resolved)
SECTIONAL TITLE UNIT *Scheme name *Scheme number Unit number
SECTIONAL TITLE SCHEME *Scheme name (To be resolved) (To be resolved)
FARM *Registration division +Farm number / +Farm name Portion number
AGRICULTURAL HOLDING AREA *Holding area name (To be resolved) (To be resolved)
AGRICULTURAL HOLDING *Holding name *Holding number Portion number
* Indicates mandatory entry fields
+ Indicates partial mandatory entry fields

Even when the user specifies all 3 fields for a search, the system will still present the user with a list to select from, although it will contain only 1 entry. This feature ensures that the user has identified the correct property, before the billing for the property information will take place.

Lookup lists enables the user to retrieve a name or value for a property entry field. Lookup lists are indicated with the icon alongside the entry field. Also following the lookup icon is a range selection field to narrow the list down. Selecting the alphabetically sorted list range and clicking on the lookup list icon will generate an appropriate list to select names or values from.

After submitting the search criteria for the property, the user is presented with a list of one or more properties satisfying the search criteria. Select the details link to retrieve a report which contains all the information, owners, endorsements and historic detail for the selected property.

To create a printable format of the reports or tables created during the enquiry, select the "Print this report" option at the end of the screen or the icon at the top.


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Title deed enquiry

Property or person information can be accessed via a title deed reference number. Depending on the type of the title deed number supplied, the result can be the same as a person/ company/ trust enquiry or a property enquiry. The type of the title deed number is indicated by the first character of the title deed number. The following table summarizes the results returned depending on the starting letter of the title deed reference number:

Start letter Person/Company/Trust results Property results
B... Yes No
H... Yes No
T... No Yes
*... No Yes
* Indicates any other character

Also select the appropriate deeds registry (registrar office).

After submitting the search criteria for the title deed, the user is presented with a report which contains the same information as a person/company/trust enquiry, or a property enquiry, depending on the title deed number type.

To create a printable format of the reports or tables created during the enquiry, select the "Print this report" option at the end of the screen or the icon at the top.


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Transfers enquiry

The transfers enquiry consists of two different components, transfers grouped under Municipalities and transfers grouped under Townships. Both the Municipality and Township transfers consist of the same input fields, except the selection of either the specific Municipalities or Townships transfers details to include.

When the screen is first accessed, all property types are selected via the check boxes by default.

This means that all property types are included in the transfers data by default. Unselect the property types that you want to exclude from the transfers data.

You need to build a list of either Municipalities or Townships to select the transfer data from. You can create the list in two ways:

A) First you can type the Municipality or Township name in the text box provided as displayed above and then add it to the list by using the button. If you want to remove one or more items from the list, select the items by holding down the or keyboard keys while clicking on the items in the list. Then click on the to remove the selected items from the list.

B) Secondly, you can select the Municipality or Township names from the lookup list as displayed above. Lookup lists are indicated with the icon before the entry field. Also following the lookup icon is a range selection field to narrow the list down. Selecting the alphabetically sorted list range and clicking on the lookup list icon will generate an appropriate list to select names or values from.

The lookup list contains your current selection list and the list from the database to select from.

You can select one or more items from the database list on the righthand side by holding down the or keyboard keys while clicking on the items in the list. Then click on the button to add the selected items to your list. Remove items from your selection list by selecting multiple items in the same manner as described above, and then clicking on the button. When you are finished, click on the button to transfer your selection to your main list on the previous page.

Select the period for the transfers. It is recommended that the period should be as short as possible to avoid generating huge lumps of data.

The period is identified by a starting and ending date which can be specified by typing the dates or by selecting the dates through the calendar lookup button . Note that the date format is DD/MM/YYYY, for example " ".

After submitting the search criteria for the transfers, the user is presented with a list of transfer records satisfying the search criteria.

To download the list via FTP, select the "Download this report" option at the end of the screen or the icon at the top.


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Browser Freeze Issue

My browser freezes when logging in to DeedsWEB, what is wrong?

The pages are dynamic content and therefore the browser must be set to always retrieve new pages from the server. Fix it by following the four steps below.

1. Make sure that you have Internet Explorer 5 or later.

2. In the Tools/Internet Options/Settings menu of Internet Explorer, the "Check for newer version of stored pages" setting must be set to "Every visit to the page".

3. Change the security settings of Internet Explorer to: Tools/Internet Options/Security Tab/Custom Level/Reset Custom Settings to Medium-Low / Reset.

4. Delete your temporary internet files on a regular basis by clicking: Tools/Internet Options/Delete Files/Tick 'Delete all offline content' box / OK.



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